You can reach us on Whatsapp

Last Update: Feb 20th, 2024:



  • 1. Confirm your spot 25% 25%

1. Make sure you have paid all the fees.

2. Fill out the form below.


The Leaders Awards is a well known event for Business Leaders in Central Europe.

Dates: December 14th, 15th and 16th.

The event takes place every December in the city of Vienna, Austria, in collaboration with dozens of companies, startups, governments, international organizations from all Central Europe.

The goal is:

1. Create more and better alliances and businesses in the region.

2. Connect professionally and personally with public and private sector leaders.

3. Recognize business leaders for their contribution to innovation and economic and sustainable development.



It is dedicated to visits, presentations and alliances. Includes Networking Night and Party.

It is dedicated to visits, presentations and networking with award winners. Includes closing party.

DAY 1 & 2 (DEC 15 & 16) – BUY, CLICK HERE
Enjoy all the activities: Presentations, Networking, Parties, Lots of inspiration and fun.


VIP AGENDA DAY 0, 1 AND 2 (DEC 14, 15 and 16) – BUY, CLICK HERE


Participation Diploma
VIP agenda of 3 days of activities: Welcome reception, toasts, networking, visits, alliances, bilateral meetings, parties, talks, and awards.
1-year membership to The Global School programs.



VIP Agenda
Round Flight from Latin America – Vienna
Transportation (shuttle) airport-hotel-airport.
5 nights of accommodation in a 3-star hotel
Breakfast buffet
Unlimited use public transport pass
Vienna Card with access to attractions
1-day trip to Budapest, Hungary

VIP ALLY – Via bank transfer.


VIP agenda with trip
Exclusive interview
Your logo/photo on promotional material and live broadcast
Space for you to present
Public presentation of a plaque of recognition and commemoration of the event
Your name included in Press releases.


Via credit card.
Or via bank transfer:
Account Name: Global School – Verein für interkulturelle Kommunikation und Bildung

Account Number # (IBAN): AT61 3207 3000 00861823

Bank: Raiffeisenbank Bruck-Carnuntum


Bank Address: Raiffeisenplatz 1.2460 Bruck/Leitha, Lower-Austria, Austria.



SCHOLARSHIPS 100% General Agenda, for:

Green Startups
Guests of Honor / Nominees
Latin-European B Corps
SCHOLARSHIPS 50% VIP Agenda, for:

Exhibitors / Nominees

SCHOLARSHIPS 30% VIP Agenda, for:

Master’s and/or PhD students
For more information, contact us on Whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010 (Or click here). Or by mail to: hello@theglobal.school



Location: Impact Hub Vienna. Lindengasse 56, 1070 Vienna, Austria.


16:45 – 17:00 Registration and Welcome at Impact Hub Vienna.

17:00 – 19:00 10-minute talks (TEDx Style) dedicated to innovation, leadership and business

19:00 – 21:30 Networking with 1MillionStartups and the Vienna Business Agency Network. More than 60 Startups, Entrepreneurs and Investors from Central Europe. IN ENGLISH.

22:00 – 00:00 Party Night. Babenberger Passage. Burgring 3, 1010 Vienna.




Location: Impact Hub Vienna. Lindengasse 56, 1070 Vienna, Austria.

15:30 – 16:00 Registration.

16:00 – 16:10 Welcome.

16:10 – 18:30 More than 10 10-minute Talks (TEDx Style) dedicated to innovation, leadership and business.

18:30 – 19:00 Awards Ceremony.

19:00 – 21:00 Cocktail & Closing Party.





15:30 – 16:00 Meeting point (Request by Whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010)

16:00 – 18:00 Special Welcome Toast

18:00 – 20:00 Christmas market tour and photo session




Each participant is responsible for their mobility and transportation. We recommend you use public transportation.

12:00 – 12:30  Reception at the United Nations Headquarters Vienna, Wagramer Str. 5, 1220 Wien.

12:30 – 13:00 Entry and Registration

13:00 – 14:00 Reception and Tour. IN ENGLISH.

14:00 – 15:00 Talks. IN ENGLISH.

15:00 – 16:00 Photo session

16:00 – 16:30 Transfer to Impact Hub Vienna. Lindengasse 56, 1070 Vienna

16:45 – 17:00 Registration.

17:00 – 19:00 10-minute talks (TEDx Style) dedicated to innovation, leadership and business

19:00 – 21:30 Networking with 1MillionStartups and the Vienna Business Agency Network. More than 60 Startups, Entrepreneurs and Investors from Central Europe. IN ENGLISH.

22:00 – 00:00 Party Night. Babenberger Passage. Burgring 3, 1010 Vienna.




Each participant is responsible for their mobility and transportation. We recommend you use public transportation.

12:30 – 13:00 Registration. Expat Center Vienna Business Agency. Schmerlingpl. 3, 1010 Vienna

13:000 – 14:45 Reception and talks. Vienna, the city with the highest quality in the world and the business hub of Central and Eastern Europe.

14:45 – 15:15 Transfer to Impact Hub Vienna. Lindengasse 56, 1070 Wien.

15:30 – 16:10 Registration and Welcome.

16:10 – 18:30 More than 10 10-minute Talks (TEDx Style) dedicated to innovation, leadership and business.

18:30 – 19:00 Awards Ceremony.

19:00 – 21:00 Cocktail & Closing Party.

  • 2. Participants & Speakers 50% 50%

Se entregarán reconocimientos a:

1. Empresas y org. Latinoamericanas.

2. Empresas y org. Europeas invirtiendo en América Latina.

3. Latinoamericanos destacados viviendo en Europa.



Todos tienes un espacio para presentar, por favor sigue las mismas instrucciones para presentadores, debeás presentar durante la tarde del día 1 o el día 2.

Envía tus diapositivas antes del 10 de Diciembre a awards@theglobal.school, o por whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010.

Esta es la estructura de tu charla (Max. 10 mins.):

2 min. Quién eres tu y sobre tu empresa/org.

2. min. ¿Cuáles han sido los retos más difíciles que han enfrentado?

3. mins. ¿Cuáles son las principales lecciones de liderazgo y estrategia que has aprendido?

2 min. Mensaje final y Cierre


Ceremonia de Premiación:

NO habrá presentaciones o mensajes durante la cerómonia de premiación.

La ceremonia de premiación es el Sábado 16 de Diciembre, a las 18:00 hrs.


  1. Si eres premiado, deberás pasar al templete, saludar de mano al presidio y recibir tu reconocimiento.
  2. Posterior deberás posicionarte en medio para la foto con tu reconocimiento.
  3. Posterior deberás tomarte una foto con el trofeo y situarlo nuevamente en la mesa.
  4. Regresa a tu lugar.
  5. Al final, tomaremos una foto grupal.

¿Eres experto en Innovación, Negocios, Liderazgo y/o Desarrollo Sostenible?

Envíanos tu CV, propuesta de charla y descripción, y tu enlace a Linkedin vía correo a: hello@theglobal.school  

O por Whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010


Envía tus diapositivas antes del 10 de Diciembre a awards@theglobal.school, o por whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010.

Esta es la estructura de tu charla (Max. 10 mins.):

2 min. Quién eres tu y sobre tu empresa/org.

2. min. ¿Cuáles han sido los retos más difíciles que han enfrentado?

3. mins. ¿Cuáles son las principales lecciones de liderazgo y estrategia que has aprendido?

2 min. Mensaje final y Cierre

10 minutos. Estilo TED talk.

Máx. 7 diapositivas. Máx. 7 palabras por dispositiva.

Tu participación será de 10 mins. y se te anunciará entre 17 y 19 hrs. del Viernes (Salvo que te asignemos específicamente el sábado)
Podrás mostrar diapósitivas, evita el texto.
La fecha final para entregar enviar tus diapositivas es el 10 de Dic. Después de esta fecha no podremos pasar tus diapositivas.


 Llega a más de 100,000 líderes del sector público y privado que siguen los Latin American Leaders Awards.


  • Entradas gratis al evento.
  • Tu logo en los promocionales del evento.
  • Cena/Recepción especial con Premiados y Personalidades.
  • Becas a nuestros programas.
  • Entrevista en la rueda de prensa y transmision en vivo.
  • Sesión de fotos.
  • Vuelo redondo y hospedaje en Viena, Austria.
  • Y más beneficios exclusivos.

Agenda una charla con nuestro equipo, contáctanos en Whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010 (click aquí), o visita la siguiente página: https://es.theglobal.school/alianzas-latam-awards/ 

  • 3. Get ready your luggage 75% 75%


We recommend that you bring a practical, portable, comfortable and fast suitcase, this will facilitate your mobility, and in case you plan to travel after the event, it will also be very useful. This suitcase is the one you check during your flight, and here you must transport your clothing and personal cleaning items. We recommend NOT bringing excess: jewelry or luxury items. WEIGHT: The maximum weight limit is 24 kg in your main suitcase.

IMPORTANT: Remember that during your stay you will accumulate more weight, so the less weight you bring, the better.

CARRY ON SUITCASE: We recommend you bring a «Backpack». This should be compact, to be easily carried on your back. AVOID including liquids, gels, shampoos, creams, razors, jewelry or any metal object that could be misinterpreted as a possible weapon in this suitcase. If you are taking a long trip and need deodorant or soap, no liquid should exceed 100 ml.


– Small towel
– Documentation, Wallet and Money.
– T-shirt
– Camera (Optional)
– Headphones (In case they don’t give them to you on the plane)
– Chargers (From your phone) and European converter (In Europe the entrances are round)
– In case you bring medicines, with a prescription.

WEIGHT: The maximum weight limit is 6 kg. IMPORTANT: Remember that during your stay you will accumulate more weight, so the less weight you bring, the better.

In the agenda you will find the dress codes, they are mandatory:

a) Casual: Pants, skirt or dress, t-shirt, shoes, boots or tennis shoes, blazer or formal jacket.

b) Formal: Suit, white shirt, tie, formal shoes. Tailored dress, or formal skirt and t-shirt.

TIP: We will walk a lot, wear comfortable shoes. Temperatures:

Spring: minimum of 6 Cº, and reaching a maximum of 18 Cº.
Summer: minimum 18 Cº, maximum 33 Cº
Winter: minimum -10 Cº, maximum 8 Cº

We recommend the minimum of appropriate clothing:

Avoid Denim (Jeans).
Thermal inner Rome (In winter).
We will always walk a lot, avoid uncomfortable shoes or sneakers
You will use public transportation, it is very safe but requires flexibility, prepare your clothing accordingly.

Dress codes are MANDATORY, without exception.

The goal of the program is to provide you with a unique life experience, where you connect with your environment and with yourself, develop skills, have fun and make friends for life.

Giving value to your ideas, projects or your vision of life is a PRIORITY for us, and you must come with an «open mind» to get out of your comfort zone.

Your adaptation and integration into the group is essential, in addition to your participation in each and every one of the activities, come prepared with:

Your flag or something representative of your country to share (coins or candy).
Cover letters with your contact information.
Charged Smartphone and Headphones in case you need translation to Spanish.


The budget is approximate and may vary according to your administration.

In Vienna, Austria.

Cost of living: Medium/High.
Supermarket: The minimum purchase cost per week is 30 to 40 Euros
Breakfast: 10 -15 Euros.
Lunch 10 to 25 Euros.
Dinner: 12 to 25 euros.
Beer: 1 to 2 euros (supermarket), 3.5 to 4.5 euros (restaurant)
Wine: 6 to 15 euros (700 ml bottle in supermarket), 6 euros (125 ml glass in restaurant), 25 to 40 euros (700 ml bottle in restaurant)
The approximate recommended budget per person for personal expenses is €100 to €200 euros per week.

Accommodation and Mobility:

Accommodation per night: Hotel (€100), Hostel (€60), Airbnb (€50), Couchsurfing (Free).
Check the accommodation and mobility section to learn more about recommendations.

The currency used in Austria is Euros.

CASH: You can find exchange offices directly at the airport, however we recommend you ask in advance at your bank or at an exchange office in order to obtain the best exchange rate. The maximum amount of cash we recommend is 1,000 Euros (One thousand Euros). The minimum is 200 Euros.
CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD: You can also have Cash in Euros directly from an ATM in Europe. Just verify that your card has one of the international payment processing logos: Master Card, Maestro, VISA, Cirrus, American Express. Almost all Debit and Credit cards in the world have it! It is important that you notify your bank (by phone) in advance that you will use your card so that they do not block it.
EXCHANGE RATES: We recommend that you monitor, compare and follow the prices of what you buy in Euros with your currency in order to be able to measure your expenses. If you have a Smartphone, we recommend you download the XE Currency application, you can download it directly at http://www.xe.com/es/

We recommend the following sites to find safe and cheap flights



If you have chosen the all-inclusive travel option.

We will buy your flight with 1 or maximum 2 stopovers. If you are in South America, common stopovers are: Panama City and/or Bogotá, and Madrid and/or Frankfurt. If you are in Central or North America, common stopovers are: Madrid and/or London, and Frankfurt / Dusseldorf.

In case we find a flight that stops in the USA or Canada that has a better price and/or connection, we will consult you beforehand. The transit VISA is on your own.

Each stopover has a maximum duration of 6 hours and a minimum of 2, and we will give priority to your arrival in Vienna between 8 AM to 8 PM. If you have paid late, you will be subject to the availability of flights, whether with multiple stops or visa application.

IMPORTANT: The flights DO NOT have insurance in case you do not board, want to change your name or date. So if you need a change to be made, you will have to manage it on your own considering paying the airline’s penalties.



Before your flight:
If you have already traveled by plane, enjoy it! If this is your first time flying, relax! Everything will be fine and you will enjoy a view of our beautiful planet. Remember to have your invitation letter, insurance, passport and your plane tickets (round trip) available, accessible and safe.


During your flight:
If your plane stops in Europe before arriving in Vienna, most likely that will be your entry point to the Schengen Zone, and you will have to complete the procedure in the immigration zone. If this procedure is rigorous, just show all your documentation. Pay attention to go to the “Connecting flights” area to be able to take your next flight.

To confirm the boarding room, you must go to the screens with flight information, and find yours according to the flight number, destination and time.

In case your previous flight has been delayed and you have missed your second flight, DON’T WORRY! Within the European Union the airlines assume that responsibility and will assign you to the next available flight. However, we ask that you send us a message or email with the details of your new flight.

There are not restrictions anymore regarding COVID-19, nevertheless, if you join a program during Winter, we strongly recommend you to use a mask in the public spaces and transport to avoid you getting sick 

4. ¡Bienvenido a la experiencia de tu vida!

Estamos muy felices de recibirte


Mobility in Vienna is very efficient and easy to use, you can choose: Train or Bus (More information at https://www.wien.info/es/travel-info/to-and-around/airport-to-center) , Taxi, Shuttle or Uber.

We recommend downloading Google Maps to your phone, and loading the route beforehand to get to your accommodation without any setbacks.


If you chose the all-inclusive travel option. Once you arrive at Vienna Airport, a shuttle driver or a member of our team will be in the arrivals hall holding a sign with your name, our logo or name: “The Global School for Social Leaders”.

In case you don’t find anyone, please DON’T WORRY, you probably didn’t see him or vice versa. Go to the information point on your left hand side when you exit the arrivals hall and wait there.

The airport has Free Wi-Fi, you can send us a message via Whatsapp (+43 677 61 73 5010) or email in case your receiver does not arrive after 20 minutes of waiting. In this case you must be patient while we find out what caused the delay and resolve your reception as quickly as possible.

IMPORTANT: In case you have missed a connection or your flight has been delayed, you must notify us with the new information in order to update the logistics of your reception.

The event takes place in different parts of the city, so we do not have a preferred location, however, mobility in Vienna is very efficient and fast, so you will not have mobility problems anywhere in the city you decide to stay. .

Remember that lodging registration (check in) is at 2 PM, so if you arrive before that time, you will have to wait, or choose to leave your suitcases at your accommodation and go explore the city.

In case your program does not include hosting or you have decided to manage it on your own, we recommend the following sites to see hosting offers:

Hotels. High budget:


Rooms. Medium/low budget


Free on sofa.


If you chose All-inclusive trip:

Your accommodation is a 3 star hotel. Since we manage it between 30 and up to 10 days before your arrival, we will inform you of the exact address and conditions a few days before your arrival, and if we already have it confirmed, when we send you your agenda.

The hotels we have worked with are: Motel One, Hotel IBIS, Hotel Mercur, Hotel Mocca.

Public transportation in Vienna is one of the best in the world. EVEN THE PRESIDENT OF AUSTRIA USES IT DAILY. With a little luck, you can see it on the subway or the bus.

If you opted for the Program with travel included, the public transport ticket will be given to you during your reception. If you lose it, you will have to buy a new one yourself.

The public transport ticket (Bus, Train, Tram and Metro) costs 2.4 Euros each way, 8 Euros for 24 hours, 14.10 Euros for 48 hours, 17.10 Euros for 72 hours and weekly. And you can buy them at any subway or train entrance, or directly online at this link: https://shop.wienerlinien.at/mobile.php/

Remember that check-in to your accommodation is normally at 2 PM, so if you arrive before that time, you will have to wait, or opt to leave your suitcases at the accommodation and go explore the city.

These are the places we recommend you visit:

Belvedere Museum (Where Klimt’s paintings are): Train Station: Quartier Belvedere.
Schonbrun Palace. Metro U4 (Green): Schonbrun.
Karlplatz Church. Metro U4 (Green) and U1 (Red): Karplatz.
Vienna Library. Station U3: Volkstheater.
Rathaus (Vienna City Hall). Metro U3: Volkstheater.
Stephansdom. Metro U3: Stephansplatz.
Prater (The Vienna Fair). Metro U2 and U1: Praterstern.
Weltmuseum (Museum where Montezuma’s Plume is located). Metro U3: Volkstheater
Vienna Opera. Metro U4: Karlsplatz.
Café Central: Metro U3: Herrengasse.
Concert at Musikverein: U4: Karlplatz.
Mozart Museum: U3: Stephansplatz.
Don’t forget to load the route on Google Maps before leaving your accommodation.

Since it is Christmas market season, you will find them everywhere.


Typical meals:

Wiener Schnitzel
Austrian Beer (Stiegl, Ottakring, Güsser)
Melange and ApfelStrudle (Dessert)
Gluhwein (Mulled wine)
Punsch (Tea with rum, and fruits).

Willkommen in Österreich

Brief Cultural Guide.

Capital: Vienna
German language
Population:  Austria: 9 million; Vienna: 2 million
Neighbor countries

West: Germany and Switzerland
North: Czechia
Northeast: Slovakia
East: Hungary
South: Slovenia and Italy

Good morning: Guten morgen
Thanks: Danke
You’re welcome: Bitte
Excuse me: Entschuldigung


Punctuality is extremely important, and in Vienna, it is SACRED. You will have to be 10 minutes (ready and at the meeting point) before the start of the activity marked on your agenda. In case of any delay on your part, you will not be able to participate in the activity, and you will have to join the next one to join the group again, the transfer is at your own expense and you will have to ask for an Excuse me!

Always walk on your right, remember not to obstruct the path, in case you want to stop to take a photo, look behind you beforehand.

In Europe you walk fast, try to keep up and don’t hinder them.

Pay attention to pedestrian traffic signs. If you violate one of them, you will be fined.
For example, crossing the street on a red light, or in a place other than the pedestrian zebra.


Let him out so he can enter the subway car. Stay to the sides of the door, NOT in front of it. Respect places for strollers for babies, disabled people, older adults or pregnant women.


NEVER FORGET YOUR METRO TICKET. There are no turnstiles but checks are carried out at the stations regularly. If you are inspected and do not bring your ticket, you will have to pay a fine of €103 euros.


The Metro operates from 5:30 a.m. to 00:00 a.m. And on Fridays and Saturdays, 24 hours a day.

Excessive noise in public and private places is prohibited.




This is a saying deeply rooted in Viennese and European culture in general. Customer service, including restaurants, is effective but rarely friendly and can take a while. Vienna enjoys an admirable equality that does not allow social classism between the provider and recipient of services.

The portions are NOT abundant.

Tips are optional, however we recommend between 5% and 10% if you liked the food and service.

Supermarkets, shops and restaurants close at 6 pm and on Sundays all day, with small exceptions. If it’s Sunday, and you need a supermarket, we recommend going to the Praterstern metro station (U2).



Vienna is famous for its music and for being considered the city with the highest quality of life in the world, NOT FOR ITS LUXURY, BUT FOR ITS EQUALITY.

The policies of the city of Vienna focus on keeping inequality patterns low at all costs, this includes keeping the cost of living low, access to quality services, accessible and reliable mobility, but above all, avoiding the gentrification that have affected other large cities.

It is important to mention that any service provider will talk about you, without any reverence, and may not seem so friendly to you. This is because social equality is a priority. From a street sweeper to a company CEO, they will share a seat on the subway.

For example, annual travel cards for public transport cost just one euro per day and now outnumber cars in the city. (Comfortable for those who are used to public transportation, but very uncomfortable for those who have always traveled by car).


Its high industrialization means that the cost of products is cheap, and one of the most comfortable salaries in the world is enjoyed. However, you will have to learn to repair, move, and manage your own needs since the cost of acquiring the labor of another human being is very expensive. (Comfortable for those who have never enjoyed a salary that covers their needs, but very uncomfortable for those who are used to servitude or very personalized attention).


Did you know:

The city is very safe. You can walk quietly 24 hours a day.
You can drink tap water, it is very clean.
You can download the “qando Wien” or “Google maps” app to your Smartphone to use public transport.
Hofer is the supermarket with the best prices, you can find the closest one using Google maps.
The daily treatment in Vienna is very cold and direct, but effective. It may seem rude and rude to you, don’t take it personally, that’s the culture.



Emergency numbers:

122 Firefighters

133 Police

144 Ambulance