Special conversations

Conflicts Unpacked


A open conversation about the current state of global conflicts

Brough to you by


The Global School for New Leadership Logo
Roberto Arrucha - The Global School for Social Leaders
Roberto Arrucha - The Global School for Social Leaders


The nature of conflict and violence has transformed substantially since the UN was founded 78 years ago. Conflicts tend to be less deadly and often waged between domestic groups rather than states, however, this tendency is shifting back to power struggles between global and regional powers.  

Moreover, technological advances have raised concerns about lethal autonomous weapons and cyberattacks, the weaponization of bots and drones, and the livestreaming of extremist attacks. 


The International Security and Conflict Analysis Network (iSCAN) was created as a response to the challenges of today’s global conflicts.

We provide sound analysis and practice-oriented training on world’s most pressing international security challenges, and support individuals and organizations to contribute to the promotion of peace and security and peaceful conflict resolution.

Through its International Security Dialogues, iSCAN facilitates discussions on topics relevant to international security.


We invite every scholar, practicioner or professional engage in understanding conflicts and security. 

This space is for you! 


Let´s get on board

We host conversations every Wednesday at 18 hrs. (Central Europe) on X spaces (twitter).
Duration: 60 mins.

  • The format is forum talk type, it is NOT an interview. Very simple, professional, and informative.
  • Try to limit every intervention to max. 2 mins. 
  • Please prepare a good microphone or try to be in a place with little ambient noise.
  • We will record and publish for post-analysis. 

Save it in your calendar






