Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development

International Forum to connect and foster solutions towards sustainable development

OCTOBER 10TH & 11TH, vienna, austria


The Global School for New Leadership Logo
Meeting Destination Vienna
Vienna School of Quality & Innovation
Event Organizer, Educational Programs
Viena Ciudad Inteligente - Amamos Viena


The AI Forum for Sustainable Development is a space to connect and match with AI organizations, companies and enthusiast, and is committed to leveraging artificial intelligence to promote fair, equitable and universal development, expand economic opportunities, bridge the technological divide, ensuring that the benefits of AI are equitable and accessible for all, with a particular focus on improving wellbeing in underserved communities. 



Meet more than 200 attendees: AI researchers, NGOs, Startups, UN agencies and Governments. 


When? Where?

NEW DATE: October 10th & 11th , 2024


October 10th: District Working. Donau-City Strasse 3, 1220 Vienna, Austria.

October 11th: Vienna International Center. Wagramer Str. 5, 1220 Vienna, Austria. 

International Atendees

Local Atendees

Countries represented

Match-Making & Networking


AI researchers, NGOs, Startups, UN agencies and Governments. 

This space is for you! 



DAY 1.

16:00 – 17:00 Registration, Opening and Welcome to Vienna

17:00 – 19:00 Powerful talks on AI & Pitches

19:00 – 20:00 Networking and Match-making: startups, researchers and AI-driven companies

20:00 – 21:00 Party accompanied with live music, drinks and snacks.


DAY 2.

10:00 – 14:00 AI Initiatives for Sustainable Development

16:00 – 18:00 Powerful talks on how international organizations and governments are shaping AI policies

18:00 – 20:00 Networking and Match-making: Private and Public sector partnerships




What are the benefits for Sponsors?

As a sponsor, you have the following benefits:

  1. 3 General Entries to the event, which includes access to our VIP networking activity (Day 1)
  2. A space for you to present your company through an 8-minute presentation (Day 1).
  3. Promote your business in the post-event email to the participants.
  4. Your logo will be included in the promotional materials online: banners, publications, etc. 
  5. Bring your promotional booth, banner, or roll-up during our VIP networking activity (Day 1).

    Sponsorship Packages:

    • Early Stage Startups: €1,000
    • Middle Size Companies: €2,000
    • Big Companies: €5,000


    You can reach us on Whatsapp: +43 677 61 73 5010

    Or book a meeting with our team: 

    Can I become speaker?

    All our partners have the privilege to address the audience with a short message, the audience comprehends more than 200 AI-driven professionals, investors, and companies from more than 20 countries. You can become our partner, kindly schedule a meeting at the following link:

    You can also apply for a spot to become a speaker, by sending us an email with the following:
    Subject: AI for sustainable dev
    Body: Answer the following:
    – Who are you and what do you do?
    – Brief description of the topic you will like to cover
    – Link to your website or LinkedIn

    What does my ticket include?
    Enjoy the talks and the networking activities with drinks and snacks.
    Can I join online?

    Yes. We will be habilitating a portal where you will enjoy the talks and connect with all the participants. 

    How can I confirm my participation?
    Register either as Participant or Partner.
    Deadline: July 10th
    Can I volunteer?

    Yes. Get a FREE entry and help us to host an amazing experience. 

    Send us a message: +43 677  61 73 5010

    Do you cover my travel expenses?
    Unfortunately NO at the moment. However, we will make sure your investment is 100% worth it.

    Collaborations, Partnerships and Fun Guaranteed!